"There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...
not going all the way, and not starting."
Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C
Obviously creating this blog, hacking the design a little, writing the first post and about page, then writing this...
At an attempt to start minimalising my possessions I thought I'd list and detail the areas which need focus and attention.
List of physical spaces (in order of priority):
- Living Room : even though I have an office I don't use it. Most of my time is spent here in the living room - main issue is keeping the table and two sofas clear from clutter.
- Bedroom : it's pretty sparse but important - main issue is the dirty clothes box (and the clutter on it's top).
- Office : (or basically my junk room) where the majority of my stuff I never use is - main issue is the whole space.
- Kitchen : lots of cupboard space but the problem I have is not washing up regularly - main issue is washing up.
- Closets : housing my clothes, boxes, old paintings (canvases), filing cabinet, shoes etc - main issue is just too much stuff.
- Bathroom : pretty empty - main issue is the er, don't know.
- Car : not too bad but never clean it - main issue is keeping it clean.
- Google Docs : use this platform as my main invoicing archiver plus development area - main issue is that there's just too many docs.
- RSS : at the moment I subscribe to 281 feeds - main issue is too many feeds.
- Blogs / sites : currently blog at MediaSnackers, Social Media For Suits, Gnat Gnat and now here - main issue is time to create content for all of them.
- Twitter : currently using Chump Dump to try and reduce down the 500+ people I follow - main issue is too many 'friends'.
- Facebook : same as above.
- Post : I HATE paper and post. Sometimes statements and bills don't get open for weeks at a time - main issue is action not collection.
- Business paperwork : same as above.
- Hard-drive : iTunes, Files, Folders, notes etc - main issue is too much data.
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